HypnoBirthing and the Pelvic Floor: My Experience As a First Time Mom Doing a Homebirth
As a pelvic PT myself, I was adamant about preparing my body and more importantly, my mind, for birth. I spent months preparing and when the time came, I used a combination of HypnoBirthing and hands-on techniques to manage my own unmedicated home birth. I remember those moments after our baby arrived, sitting in the bathtub, absolutely in awe of what my body had just done, but also in shock with how smoothly (and quickly) things progressed. I was so thankful for the way I had prepared and couldn’t wait to tell my positive birth story!
1st time mom-HypnoBirthing Story
First-time moms HypnoBirthing story. Maggie was able to release her fears around birth and gained tools to go into her birth with confidence.
Thoughts on infant sleep
There is not one right way.
I see some very polarizing posts or comments when it comes to baby-toddler sleep. I often think, thank goodness I didn’t have social media when I first became a mom!
I work with women through fertility, pregnancy and into postpartum and my intention is always to support them where they are and to shed no judgment. We all get to make our own choices and we should never feel bad about them!
Let me just talk about sleep and babies. I have four, that are now 6,8,10 and 13. So, I have had some experience.
Fertility Thoughts this Holiday Season
Fertility feelings can often be heightened around the holidays and the end of the year. The thought could be “Another year over and I still don’t have a baby” or “I would have been this many weeks pregnant at this time” or “My baby would have been this old at the holidays”.
The Body, Birth and Baby Center Mission
Typically you have to seek out these types of services individually but now families can find them all in one place, feeling the cohesiveness of care and support.
Why I do my Prenatal Massage Side-Lying
I know many women miss laying face down while pregnant.
I was a stomach sleeper myself before kids!
I have worked with the tables with the hole cut out and it is a nice, easy way to work on someone’s body.
But for me, I don’t feel my work is as effective.
Let Me Help You Calm Your Nervous System
Let me help you calm your nervous system.
You don’t have to do it alone!
It is good to learn breathing techniques.
It is good to have self care practices you do at home.
But we can’t expect to do it all on our own all the time…
Our muscles are like our emotions...if we are too hard on them, we will aggravate them even more!
If you have been on my massage table you know that I work slowly and gradually.
Forcing my hands through a tight muscle is not my style.
Think about when you are really mad or upset. How do you want someone to approach you?
Benefits to Learning HypnoBirthing In-Person
Before the pandemic, The HypnoBirthing Institute did not allow virtual teaching because they knew it did not offer the same quality of teaching. While it served its purpose, there is so much that is missed or lacking in a virtual setting. This is why I brought it back to in-person and will never look back.
I have taught HypnoBirthing to hundreds of couples over the last 10 years. The classroom is filled with expectant parents. Some first timers and some having their 3rd or 4th baby!
The energy in the room just cannot be beat.