Most babies will turn, but some may need some help.

Our bodies and babies are so wise.  Our bodies are designed to give birth and our babies are designed to be birthed.  Breech babies are a variation of normal and can be born vaginally.  You just need to find a provider who is trained in breech birth and together as a team, you decide it is the appropriate choice for you and your baby.

But in most of our hospitals, breech birth is not an option.  So, when women are told their baby is breech, we get stressed!  We become obsessed with getting this baby to go head down.

Let me reassure you, you have a very good chance your baby will turn on their own.  Here are the stats.  At 32 weeks about 7% of babies are not head down yet.  It is a good time to become aware and possibly be proactive about helping them turn. (I will get to that in a minute).  At birth only 3-4% of babies remain breech.  So, about half of those babies at 32 weeks that are breech will turn.  Those are good odds!  If your baby does not turn before labor begins, it can be hard to come to terms with sometimes, but we do want to trust that there is a reason our baby did not turn.

Since becoming a Spinning Babies Aware Practitioner, I have worked with many women whose baby is in a breech position.  Here is my perspective on how to approach the position of your baby throughout your pregnancy.

At the 20 week scan, the diagnostic of the baby’s position is very likely to be breech.  This is normal!  Your baby is about the size of a sweet potato, so it is very likely it will change positions by the time you get back to the car.  So, if you see that on your chart, ignore!

At 20 weeks it is a good time to begin good physical care.  Walk daily, take a yoga class, begin chiropractic and massage therapy care and start doing the Forward Leaning Inversion daily.  Go about your day without a worry and know you are taking care of your body in a way that encourages babies to go head down on their own. 

If you get to your 32 week appointment and learn that your baby is not head down yet…don’t panic!   This is a good time to learn this information and get a little more proactive.  You can do the Forward Leaning Inversion 3x a day.  Up your frequency of chiropractic visits and schedule a Breech Body Balancing session with me.  

My Breech Body Balancing session is based on my Spinning Babies Aware Practitioner Training as well as The Breech Release.  It is a gentle and effective approach to create space in the mother’s body.  Our modern way of living can create habits in our body that limit space for the baby to move head down.  During the session I use soft tissue techniques to make changes in the women’s muscles, ligaments and pelvis.  At no point am I moving the baby but helping create space for the baby to explore and move on their own.  My clients' babies often move with just 1-2 sessions.  Was it the session or just that the baby was ready to move, we don’t know, but often the relaxation and peace of mind that comes along with the session is the most beneficial part.  

I love this work for many reasons.  I had the surprise of a breech-positioned baby late in my 4th pregnancy, so I fully completely understand the mental state it puts us in. (With some attention my baby did turn)  My goal is to ease women’s minds and to help them feel confident in their baby's position.  We talk through their daily life and what adjustments they could make to create more space in their body.  The session is beneficial before an External Cephalic Version because it relaxes the body and loosens their muscles and eases their ligaments, helping facilitate the turn.  A session after the ECV is also suggested to help keep the body open and relaxed.  Women that have had prior breech babies that did not turn in their previous pregnancy, I suggest beginning the Breech Body Balancing session around 28 weeks.

In conclusion, don’t stress!  Be proactive about taking care of your body in pregnancy!  Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!


2024 Reflections


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