I was never told I was 10cm

I have given birth 4x. I had very few vaginal exams and never once heard that I was 10 cm.

Guess what?! We don’t need to know! Your baby can be born without that declaration being made.

There is so much weight placed on dilation. Sometimes it goes slowly, sometimes quickly. Sometimes it seems to be in a holding pattern. Sometimes once we get passed this so called stalled labor and we progress quickly. Anticipating being told we are 10cm can add some weight to the scenario.

So what happened for me? Every time I got close to giving birth my midwife declared, “We can see the head!” How did that happen without being told I was 10 cm and told to push?! I didn’t know so I just kept doing my thing. Moving positions. Breathing. Trusting the process.

Sometimes for 1st time moms the pushing phase can take some time. For me, it was only about 45 minutes. And you are not bearing down that whole time. Only when the surge is happening. My husband said, “Maybe it was about 12-15 times”. I firming believe it was because I didn’t know I was 10 cm so I didn’t start pushing to soon.

Everyone is different. Every birth is different. Mine sure were! But reconsider how often you are getting that cervical exam. Does it really matter? Is it going to help you? Is it going to discourage you? It is an intervention believe it or not. Let’s leave well enough alone unless something is presenting that we need to gather some information.


HypnoBirthing Instructor

Founder of the BBBC


A Dad’s HypnoBirthing Testimonial


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