Our muscles are like our emotions...if we are too hard on them, we will aggravate them even more!

If you have been on my massage table you know that I work slowly and gradually.

Forcing my hands through a tight muscle is not my style.

Think about when you are really mad or upset. How do you want someone to approach you?

Push you around and tell you to toughen up? Don’t be so stubborn! I don’t know about you, but that just fires me up more!

It is the same with muscles. I need to approach them several ways. I need to warm them up. I need to access the problem area and come up with a way to ease into it. I work where they attached and talk to them for a little while there. I work the belly of the muscle. I re-acesss the troubled area to see if it needs more attention or to be left alone.

Beating up your muscles is the same as emotions. Tough love isn’t the healthiest approach.


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