Have you heard of stalled Labor?
Did you experience stalled labor? How did that play out for you? Learn here why in HypnoBirthing we call it resting labor.
Six years ago today I went into labor with my sweet baby girl who entered this world with a vengeance! Her labor involved 12 hours of resting labor. Here is how it played out...
At 11pm I realized that labor was starting. I felt great. I got in the shower (one of my happy places during labor). Little did I know my husband was timing things and by 2am we headed to the hospital.
My surges (contractions) were 3-4 mins apart and I was 5cm. Great. Let’s get checked in. By 4am everything had spread out up to 20 mins apart! We decided to sleep.
At 7am we decided to walk the hospital halls. The midwives encouraged us to eat some breakfast. By 10am nothing had really changed. So we decided to go home.
I went home and I took a bath. Took a nap and then got back in the shower around 4pm and I was excited to feel the surges were back to only a few minutes apart! Sweet baby girl was born at 9:46pm. This feisty little girl was born with her hand resting on the side of her head. A great example of how if position isn’t ideal progress can be delayed.
My main point I want to get across with this story is this. Let labor play out how it is supposed to. With the knowledge that the baby and I were doing just fine we were able to labor in our own time, without intervention!
#1 have a trusted care provider that doesn’t pressure you to do something you don’t want to do. #2 be educated to make good decisions for yourself and your baby!
In HypnoBirthing we call it resting labor because that is exactly what you should do!