A HypnoBirthing Testimonial ~ A planned homebirth and the baby arrives 5 mins before the midwife!

Since the beginning of my pregnancy I've been saying I am going to have a smooth and easy pregnancy. My  labor and birth is going to be quick and easy.  I loved getting the recording of the birth affirmations and adding those to my daily routine.  The rainbow relaxation was a perfect addition also. I had never thought to associate a color to induce relaxation.  Stephan started to look forward to listening to the relaxation as well and getting into a calm relaxed state. 

Hands down what helped the most was the breathing techniques and just knowing the different types, the calm-surge-birth breathing. I kept visualizing my breath filling a magnificent balloon. When the surges got stronger, Stephan tried the light touch and I was not having it! I liked the light touch on my head only. Then he started saying remember to breathe, breathe, and would do the breathing with me and say remember your relaxation color. I let him know in between surges that what he was saying was helping and to do more of that. 

The birthing videos and the animated birth video definitely helped Stephan. I was very familiar with the way the baby travels down the birth canal ( specializing in pregnancy and pediatric chiropractic), but Stephan was not. He was amazed to learn that the tailbone actually moves to allow for more opening for the baby's head. Afterwards he was telling me he probably would have freaked out if he saw the baby's head/sutures overlapping. BUT since he learned about it in class, when he saw it he was like ohh that's what is happening. And he was prepared to receive the baby! 

The whole experience was so empowering for the both of us! This really was a life changing class. I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the information and preparing us and just overall a great experience. 

I will definitely be recommending your class to everyone! 


Such a beautiful example of a couple working together to bring their baby into the world.   And an incredible insight into how using your HypnoBirthing techniques makes a huge difference!

Thank you Fatema and Stephan for sharing your story!


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