Myth: HypnoBirthing is for First Time Moms Only

I LOVE working with second time moms.
Often women feel like they have prepared for birth. They read the books, the blogs, and listened to the podcasts. .
Then labor starts. And they don’t have tools. They have no idea how to work with their laboring body.
HypnoBirthing provides breathing techniques and relaxation tools to help provide a more comfortable birth.
The moms I have taught during a second pregnancy are amazed at what they learn and go on to rock their births!
If planning for a VBAC, HypnoBirthing is fantastic for releasing fears or concerns about your previous birth repeating and giving you the confidence for your next one!
I can’t tell you how many moms of multiple kids have told me, I wish I had your class.
Don’t let that be you! Sign up even if you have had a baby or two!


Myth: HypnoBirthing is for Unmedicated Births Only


A Fertility Story