Virtual Physio

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy

At The Body, Birth and Baby Center

Pelvic Health Rehab Services

Lindsay Durand Massumi is a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) specializing in pregnancy, postpartum, and pelvic health with a primary focus on serving the female athlete. She is the Co-Owner of Virtual Physio LLC. Dr. Lindsay offers in-person and remote pelvic health rehab services to active women suffering from leakage, pain, or prolapse.

Workshops and Classes

Preparing Your Pelvic Floor for Birth ~ A Pregnancy Workshop

Learn more about preparing your body for birth in this interactive workshop. Dr. Lindsay is a pelvic health physical therapist and will guide you through how to get in touch with your core and pelvic floor during pregnancy and birth. We will cover pelvic floor relaxation, laboring positions, breathing techniques, core strengthening, as well as common pregnancy pains and how to address them. Best to take this workshop between 18-34 weeks. The first Saturday of the month.

Pelvic Health Perspectives

An interactive workshop series on postpartum recovery and optimizing your pelvic health long term. Led by Dr. Lindsay, this workshop will cycle through various topics related to postpartum pelvic health. Whether you’re 6 weeks or 6 years postpartum, it’s never too late to heal your body after baby.

May 4th topic: C-section recovery

baby Powered Fitness

Get ready to incorporate your baby into our dynamic routines with this 1-hour group fitness class led by Dr. Lindsay, a pelvic health physical therapist. Designed specifically to address the demands of motherhood, this class will incorporate baby wearing, strength and endurance training, and relaxation techniques to help moms nurture their postpartum body and bond with their baby. *For moms 6+ weeks postpartum with babies not walking yet.*

Clogged Milk Ducts

PT for Clogged Milk Ducts: Achieve quick relief from clogged or blocked milk ducts in this one-hour physical therapy session. Treatment may include a combination of therapeutic ultrasound, lymphatic massage, stretches, postural corrections, and baby/pump positioning. These interventions are designed to provide pain-relief and facilitate the drainage of blocked areas in the breast as quickly as possible. 

*PT sessions for Clogged Milk Ducts are available on an as needed, urgent basis (within 24-48 hours). Please reach out to Dr. Lindsay for availability.*